Notes from WOMMA-U

Word of Mouth Marketing Association University is happening as we speak in South Beach. For those, like me, who can’t attend, there is still plenty of intel to be gathered. 

Here are some notes from the 360 Digital Influence Blog. The notes are from a talk given by Geoff Donaker, COO at YELP: Click the link above for the full post. The notes connect with my own observations of small business love/hate relationship with word of mouth. Are you ready to give up control of your brand? The paradox is that, in order to thrive, that’s exactly what you’ve got to do.

  • Small businesses (some would argue, the engine of the American economy and spirit) have a lot to gain from WOMM, but are still just as afraid to relinquish control of their brand as are large brands.
  • Utilizing WOMM can drive down marketing costs, but your customer service has to deliver … if you are going to rely on what people say about you (vs. advertising, where you say what you want about yourself) you have to deliver a stellar experience and respond to/fix the not-so-stellar ones.
  • Manufactured reputation usually backfires … you can’t manufacture WOM.  You can provide the tools, the dialogue, the forum and the product – but the community will do with all that what they please.

Does this connect with your experience? What are some other barriers to uleashing word of mouth? What are some of the successes you have seen? Let’s start a conversation.

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